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"Reflections in the Moon"

In the calmness and stillness of the night,

Moments take place that are not erased.

The precious moments between two,

Or and explosive night between a few.

The few moments shared before a kiss,

Or the one night when cupid's arrow missed.

The night we gave each other to one another,

Or the night that inspired you to strive for the best,

And lay all those childish games to rest.

The night you cried more than you have ever before,

And the night you experienced so much more.

That night I felt you slip away,

Or the night that brought your heart back my way.

The night we shared by a shimmering poll,

Or the night you made me feel like a fool.

The night when I was at my best,

And laid all those ho's to rest.

The night you walked back in my life,

And the night I made you my wife.

The night I cried over a fallen star,

And the night I cried because you were so far.

All of these moments are etched in time,

In a place that can always be viewed.

A place that's so distant and yet so near.

A place that is the center of attention,

And a place that holds the sky into place.

A place that holds reflections in the sky,

And a place that puts a twinkle in your eye.

The reflections in the moon keep all those moments in place,

And acts as a door to the past,

And possibly the future.


By: King of Hearts

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